Corporate Strategic Management & Ethics ICAN Skills level Video Lecture

Corporate Strategic Management and Ethics video lecture is a comprehensive video lectures that covers the whole syllabus and can help students pass their Corporate Strategic Management and Ethics  exam in one sitting. The video provides well explanatory topics of the course.


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Exercises that will Improve your Memory (A fitness trainer that will put you through on Exercises to do)
How to study, memorize and remember what you have learnt
It has 223 videos lectures and 166 QA videos and still counting
The duration of the video 118 hours and still counting


Chapters in the Video Topics

01-Chapter-01-Part 1- Concept of Efficiency and Effectiveness(3Es) 

02-Chapter-01-Part 2- Concept of Leadership and Management 

03-Chapter-01-Part 3- Concept of Management and Leadership 

04-Chapter-02-Part 1- Forecasting Tools And Techniques 

05-Chapter-03-Part 1- Internal and External Auditors. 

06-Chapter-03-Part 2- Internal and External Auditors 

07-Chapter-04-Part 1- Environmental and Audit Sustainability Accounting. 

08-Chapter-05-Part 1- Strategic Planning Model 

09-Chapter-05-Part 2- Strategic Planning Model 

10-Chapter-06-Part 1- Elements of Rational Model 

11-Chapter-06-Part 2- Growth Methods 

12-Chapter-07-Part 1- Planning and Budgeting 

13-Chapter-8-Part 1- System Modeling 

14-Chapter-08-Part 2- System Modeling 

15-Chapter-09-Part 1- Grenier's Growth Model. 

16-Chapter-10-Part 1- McKinsey 7-S Framework 

17-Chapter-10-Part 2- McKinsey 7-S Framework 

18-Chapter-10-Part 3- McKinsey 7-S Framework 

19-Chapter-11-Part 1- Transaction Cost Theory 

20-Chapter-11-Part 2- Transaction Cost Theory 

21-Chapter-12-Part 1- Resource Dependency Theory 

22-Chapter-13- Managerial Hegemory Theory 

23-Chapter-14- Full Cost Analysis 

24-Chapter-15- Concept of Paternalism and Fiduciary 

25-Chapter-16-Part 1- SOAR Model. 

26-Chapter-16-Part 2- SOAR Model 

27 Chapter17 Part1 Ethical Theories 

28 Chapter17 Part2 Ethical Theories 

29 Chapter17 Part3 Ethical Theories 

30 Chapter17 Part4 Ethical Theories 

31 Chapter18 Part1 Ethics and Soc. Resp 

32 Chapter18 Part2 Ethics and Soc. Resp. 

33 Chapter18 Part3 Ethics and Soc. Resp. 

34 Chapter18 Part4 Ethics and Soc. Resp. 

35 Chapter19 Part1 Professions and Public Int. 

36 Chapter19 Part2 Professions and Public Int. 

37 Chapter19 Part3 Professions and Public Int. 

38 Chapter19 Part4 Professions and Public Int. 

39 Chapter19 Part5 Professions and Public Int. 

40 Chapter19 Part6 Professions and Public Int. 

41 Chapter20 Part1 Conflict of Int. and ECR. 

42 Chapter20 Part2 Conflict of Int. and ECR. 

43 Chapter20 Part3 Conflict of Int. and ECR. 

44 Chapter21 Part1 Soc. and Env. issues in Ethics and Bus. 

45 Chapter21 Part2 Soc. and Env. issues in Ethics and Bus. 

46 Chapter22 Part1 EMS, EMA and EA 46 Chapter22 Part2 EMS, EMA and EA 

47 Chapter22 Part3 EMS, EMA and EA 

48 Chapter22 Part4 EMS, EMA and EA 

49 Chapter23 Part1 Acct, Eco Model and S. Reporting 

50 Chapter23 Part2 Acct, Eco Model and S. Reporting 

51 Chapter23 Part3 Acct, Eco Model and S. Reporting 

52 Chapter23 Part4 Acct, Eco Model and S. Reporting 

53 Chapter24 Part1 Codes of Ethics for Accountants 

54Chapter24 Part2 Codes of Ethics for Accountants 

55 Chapter25 Part1 Identifying and Assessing Risk 

56 Chapter25 Part2 Identifying and Assessing Risk 

57 Chapter25 Part3 Identifying and Assessing Risk 

58 Chapter25 Part4 Identifying and Assessing Risk 

59 Chapter25 Part5 Identifying and Assessing Risk 

60 Chapter26 Part1 Concept in Risk Mgt 

61 Chapter26 Part2 Concept in Risk Mgt 

62 Chapter27 Part1 Controlling Risk 

63 Chapter27 Part2 Controlling Risk 

64 Chapter27 Part3 Controlling Risk 

65 Chapter27 Part4 Controlling Risk 

66 Chapter28 Part1 Ent. Risk Mgt 

67 Chapter28 Part2 Ent. Risk Mgt 

68 Chapter29 Part1 Identification, Ass. and Meas. of Risk 

69 Chapter29 Part2 Identification, Ass. and Meas. of Risk 

70 Chapter29 Part3 Identification, Ass. and Meas. of Risk 

71 Chapter30 Part1 Strat. Mgt and Bus. Analysis 

72 Chapter30 Part2 Strat. Mgt and Bus. Analysis 

73 Chapter30 Part3 Strat. Mgt and Bus. Analysis 

74 Chapter31 Part1 Competitive Forces 

75 Chapter31 Part2 Competitive Forces 

76 Chapter31 Part3 Competitive Forces 

77 Chapter31 Part4 Competitive Forces 

78 Chapter31 Part5 Competitive Forces 

79 Chapter31 Part6 Competitive Forces 

80 Chapter31 Part7 Competitive Forces 

81 Chapter31 Part8 Competitive Forces 

82 Chapter31 Part9 Competitive Forces 

83 Chapter31 Part10 Competitive Forces 

84 Chapter31 Part11 Competitive Forces 

85 Chapter32 Part1 Competitive Advantage 

86 Chapter32 Part2 Competitive Advantage 

87 Chapter33 Part1 Methods of Development 

88 Chapter33 Part2 Methods of Development 

89 Chapter33 Part3 Methods of Development 

90 Chapter33 Part4 Methods of Development 

91 Chapter33 Part5 Methods of Development 

92 Chapter33 Part6 Methods of Development 

93 Chapter33 Part7 Methods of Development 

94 Chapter33 Part8 Methods of Development 

95 Chapter34 Part1 Strategy Implementation 

96 Chapter34 Part2 Strategy Implementation 

97 Chapter34 Part3 Strategy Implementation 

98 Chapter35 Part1 Functional Strategies 

99 Chapter35 Part2 Functional Strategies 

100 Chapter35 Part3 Functional Strategies 

101 Chapter35 Part4 Functional Strategies 

102 Chapter35 Part5 Functional Strategies 

103 Chapter35 Part6 Functional Strategies 

104 Chapter35 Part7 Functional Strategies 

105 Chapter35 Part8 Functional Strategies 

106 Chapter36 Part1 Business Plans 

107 Chapter36 Part2 Business Plans 

108 Chapter36 Part3 Business Plans 

109 Chapter37 Part1 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

110 Chapter37 Part2 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

111 Chapter37 Part3 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

112 Chapter37 Part4 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

113 Chapter37 Part5 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

114 Chapter37 Part6 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

115 Chapter37 Part7 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

116 Chapter37 Part8 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

117 Chapter37 Part9 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

118 Chapter37 Part10 Capability and Comp. Advantages 

119 Chapter10 Part1 Strategic Direction 

120 Chapter10 Part2 Strategic Direction 

121 Chapter10 Part3 Strategic Direction 

122 Chapter10 Part4 Strategic Direction 

123 Chapter10 Part5 Strategic Direction 

124 Chapter10 Part6 Strategic Direction 

125 Chapter11 Part1 Strategic Clock 

126 Chapter11 Part2 Strategic Clock 

127 Chapter11 Part3 Strategic Clock 

128 Chapter11 Part4 Strategic Clock 

129 Chapter11 Part5 Strategic Clock 

130 Chapter12 Part1 Strategic Change 

131 Chapter12 Part2 Strategic Change 

132 Chapter12 Part3 Strategic Change 

133 Chapter12 Part4 Strategic Change 

134 Chapter12 Part5 Strategic Change 

135 Chapter12 Part6 Strategic Change 

136 Chapter12 Part7 Strategic Change 

137 Chapter12 Part8 Strategic Change 

138 Chapter1 Part1 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

139 Chapter1 Part2 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

140 Chapter1 Part3 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

141 Chapter1 Part4 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

142 Chapter1 Part5 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

143 Chapter1 Part6 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

144 Chapter1 Part7 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

145 Chapter13 Part1 Environmental Analysis 

146 Chapter13 Part2 Environmental Analysis 

147 Chapter13 Part3 Environmental Analysis 

148 Chapter13 Part4 Environmental Analysis 

149 Chapter13 Part5 Environmental Analysis 

150 Chapter14 Part1 Internal and Ext. Relationship 

151 Chapter14 Part2 Internal and Ext. Relationship 

152 Chapter14 Part3 Internal and Ext. Relationship 

153 Chapter14 Part4 Internal and Ext. Relationship 

154 Chapter15 Part1 Cost Leadership, Diff. and Lock in Stra. 

155 Chapter15 Part2 Cost Leadership, Diff. and Lock in Stra. 

156 Chapter15 Part3 Cost Leadership, Diff. and Lock in Stra. 

157 Chapter15 Part4 Cost Leadership, Diff. and Lock in Stra. 

158 Chapter15 Part5 Cost Leadership, Diff. and Lock in Stra. 

159 Chapter1 Part1 The Scope of Governance 

160 Chapter1 Part2 The Scope of Governance 

161 Chapter1 Part3 The Scope of Governance 

162 Chapter1 Part4 The Scope of Governance 

163 Chapter1 Part5 The Scope of Governance 

164 Chapter1 Part6 The Scope of Governance 

166 Chapter1 Part7 The Scope of Governance 

167 Chapter1 Part8 The Scope of Governance 

168 Chapter1 Part9 The Scope of Governance 

169 Chapter1 Part10 The Scope of Governance 

170 Chapter1 Part11 The Scope of Governance 

171 Chapter1 Part12 The Scope of Governance 

172 Chapter1 Part13 The Scope of Governance 

173 Chapter1 Part14 The Scope of Governance 

174 Chapter2 Part1 Approaches to Corp. Governance 

175 Chapter2 Part2 Approaches to Corp. Governance 

176 Chapter2 Part3 Approaches to Corp. Governance 

177 Chapter2 Part4 Approaches to Corp. Governance 

178 Chapter2 Part5 Approaches to Corp. Governance 

179 Chapter2 Part6 Approaches to Corp. Governance 

180 Chapter2 Part7 Approaches to Corp. Governance 

181 Chapter3 Part1 Agency Theory 

182 Chapter3 Part2 Agency Theory 

183 Chapter3 Part3 Agency Theory 

184 Chapter3 Part4 Agency Theory 

185 Chapter3 Part5 Agency Theory 

186 Chapter4 Part1 Governance and Info Tech. 

187 Chapter4 Part2 Governance and Info Tech. 

188 Chapter4 Part3 Governance and Info Tech. 

189 Chapter5 Part1 The Board of Directors 

190 Chapter5 Part2 The Board of Directors 

191 Chapter5 Part3 The Board of Directors 

192 Chapter5 Part4 The Board of Directors 

193 Chapter5 Part5 The Board of Directors
194 Chapter5 Part6 The Board of Directors 

195 Chapter5 Part7 The Board of Directors 

196 Chapter5 Part8 The Board of Directors 

197 Chapter5 Part9 The Board of Directors 

198 Chapter5 Part10 The Board of Directors 

199 Chapter5 Part11 The Board of Directors 

199 Chapter5 Part12 The Board of Directors 

200 Chapter6 Part1 Director's Remuneration 

201 Chapter6 Part2 Director's Remuneration 

202 Chapter6 Part3 Director's Remuneration 

203 Chapter6 Part4 Director's Remuneration 

204 Chapter6 Part5 Gen. Meeting of a Comp. 

205 Chapter7 Part1 Appropriate. Orga. Structure 

206 Chapter7 Part2 Appropriate. Orga. Structure 

207 Chapter8 Part1 Governance-Rep and Disc. 

208 Chapter8 Part2 Governance-Rep and Disc. 

209 Chapter8 Part3 Governance-Rep and Disc. 

210 Chapter8 Part4 Governance-Rep and Disc. 

211 Chapter8 Part5 Governance-Rep and Disc. 

212 Chapter8 Part6 Governance-Rep and Disc. 

213 Chapter8 Part7 Governance-Rep and Disc. 

214 Chapter9 Part1 Corp. Social Resp. 

215 Chapter9 Part2 Corp. Social Resp. 

216 Chapter9 Part3 Corp. Social Resp. 

217-Chapter 54-Part 1- Fitzgerald and Moon Building Block Model 

218-Chapter 54-Part 2- Fitzgerald and Moon Building Block Model 

220-Chapter 56- Application of Technology to Strategic Implementation 

221-Chapter 57-Part 1- Enterprise Risk Management 

222-Chapter 57-Part 2- Technology Risk Mgt and Cyber Security 

223-Chapter 58- Governanace

Question and Answer

001 chapter1 Part1 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Strategic and Residual Risk 

002 chapter1 Part2 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Stakeholder Theory, Ethical issues 

003 chapter1 Part3 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Mission Statement 

004 chapter1 Part4 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Organization Structure 

005 chapter1 Part5 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Strategic Mgt
006 chapter1 Part6 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Stakeholders, Principle of Ethics 

007 chapter1 Part7 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Risk Management , Lease 

008 chapter1 Part8 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Strategic Mgt 

009 chapter2 Part1 Q&A May 2015 Diet Competitive Forces 

010 chapter2 Part2 Q&A May 2015 Diet Risk Management 

011 chapter2 Part3 Q&A May 2015 Diet Soc Resp. Investment (SRI) 

012 chapter2 Part4 Q&A May 2015 Diet Soc Resp. Investment 

013 chapter2 Part5 Q&A May 2015 Diet SRI, CSR 

014 chapter2 Part6 Q&A May 2015 Diet Governance 

015 chapter2 Part7 Q&A May 2015 Diet Code of Ethics 

016 chapter3 Part1 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Risk Management 

017 chapter3 Part2 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Risk Appetite, Diversification, Transfer, Sharing 

018 chapter3 Part3 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Risk Mgt and Ethics 

019 chapter3 Part4 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Risk Management 

020 chapter3 Part5 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Risk Mgt and Ethics 

021 chapter3 Part6 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Methods of Development 

022 chapter3 Part7 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Strategic Management 

023 Chapter3 Part8 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Board of Directors 

024 Chapter3 Part9 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Corporate Governance, Risk Mgt 

025 Chapter3 Part10 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Development 

026 Chapter3 part11 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Stages of Product Development 

027chapter4 Part1 Risk Management 

028 chapter4 Part2 Risk Mgt and Stakeholder Theory 

029 chapter4 Part3 Ethical Issues and Gov. 

030 chapter4 Part4 Soc and Env. Ethical Issues 

031 chapter4 Part5 Env. Accounting, Mission Statement 

032 chapter4 Part6 Organisation Structure 

033 chapter4 Part7 Organisation structure, Principle of Ethics 

034 chapter4 Part8 Professional Practice 

035 chapter4 Part9 Strategic Mgt on Lease 

036 chapter5 Part1 Stakeholder Analysis. 

037 chapter5 Part2 Stakeholder Analysis part2. 

038 chapter5 Part3 Environmental Analysis 

039 chapter5 Part4 Risk Management 

040chapter5 Part5 Ethics Relationship 

041 chapter5 Part6 Risk Management 

042 chapter5 Part7 CSR 043 chapter5 Part8 Corporate Governance 

044 chapter5 Part9 Abuse on Corporate Governance 

045 chapter6 Risk Management 046 chapter7 Risk Control 

047 chapter8 Risk Mgt Info Sys. 048 chapter9 Risk Mgt Process 

049 chapter10 Approaches to Corporate Gov. 

050 chapter11 Governance 

051 chapter12 Corporate Governance and CSR 

052 chapter13 Corporate Gov- Control System 

053 chapter14 Part1 The Board Committees 

054 chapter14 Part2 The Board Committees 

055 chapter15 The Board of Directors 

056 chapter16 Intro to Ethics and Ethical Theories 

057 chapter17 Part1 Ethics 058 chapter17 Part2 Ethics 

059 chapter18 Approach to Bus Ethics and CSR 

060 chapter19 Profession and Public Int.
061 chapter20 Prof. Pract. and Code of Ethics 

062 chapter21 Professionalism and Ethical Feat... 

063 chapter22 Business Ethics and CSR 

064 chapter23 Soc, Env and Ethical Behavior 

065 chapter24 Intro. to Strategic Mgt 

066 chapter25 Part1 Strategic Mgt 

067 chapter25 Part2 Strategic Mgt 

068-chapter 24-Part 1- MAY 2016-Model of Strategic Management 

069-chapter 24-Part 2- May 2016-Model of Strategic Management 

070-chapter 24-Part 3- May 2016-Esential Elements of Strategic Management 

071-chapter 24-Part 4- May 2016-Organization Mission Statement 

072-chapter 24-Part 5- May 2016-Relevance of A Mission Statement 

073-chapter24-Part 6- May 2016-Risk in Business 

074-chapter24-Part 7- May 2016-Coporate Social Responsibilities 

075-chapter24-Part 8- May 2016-Coporate Social Responsibilities 

076-chapter24-Part 9- May 2016-CSR Reporting 

077-chapter24-Part 10- May 2016-Risk Appetite and Risk-Based Approach
078-chapter 24-Part 11- May 2016-Stakeholders 

079-chapter 24-Part 12- May 2016-Primary and Secondary Stakeholders 

080-Chapter 25-Part 1- Nov 2016-PESTEL Model 

081-Chapter 25-Part 2- Nov 2016-PESTEL Model Analysis 

082-Chapter 25-Part 3- Nov 2016-Risk Audit 

083-Chapter 25-Part 4- Nov 20`6-Risk Audit and Ethical Decision making 

084-Chapter 25-Part 5- Nov 2016-ISO31000 Framework 

085-Chapter 25-Part 6- Nov 2016-ISO3100 Framework 

086-Chapter 25-Part 7- Nov 2016-Ethical Principles 

087-Chapter 25-Part 8- Nov 2016-Modelow Framework Matrix 

088-Chapter 25-Part 9- Nov 2016-Structure and Strategy 

089-Chapter 26- Part 1- May 2018-BCG Matrix 

090-Chapter 26-Part 2- May 2018-ANSOFF Matrix 

091-Chapter 26-Part 3- May 2018-Corporate Governance, SOX 

092-Chapter 26-Part 4- May 2018-Corporate Governance, ALARP 

093-Chapter 26-Part 5- May 2018-Risk Management-Board Structure 

094-Chapter 26-Part 6- May 2018-Whistle Blowing 

095-Chapter 26-Part 7- May 2018-Risk Map 

096-Chapter 26-Part 8- May 2018-Business Plan 

097-Chapter 27-Part 1- Nov 2018-Mini recourse Audit 

098-Chapter 27-Part 2- Nov 2018-SWOT-5 Forces and Risk 

099-Chapter 27-Part 3- Nov 2018-Coporate Governance 

100-Chapter 27-Part 4- Nov 2018-Risk Management 

101-Chapter 27-Part 5- Nov 2018-Roles of Accountant, Purpose, Nature and Ethics 

102-Chapter 27-Part 6- Nov 2018-Stages in Handling Ethical Issues

103-Chapter 27-Part 7- Nov 2018-BCG 

104-Chapter 27-Part 8- Nov 2018-BCG 

105-Chapter 27-Part 9- Nov 2018-Unitary Board of Directors 

106-Chapter 28-Part 1- May 2019-SWOT and PESTEL Analysis
107-Chapter 28-Part 2- May 2019-Porter's Five Forces Model 

108-Chapter 28-Part 3- May 2019-Risk Management 

109-Chapter 28-Part 4- May 2019-Risk Management and CSR 

110-Chapter 28-Part 5- May 2019-Element of Corporate Code of Ethics and Governance 

111-Chapter 28-Part 6- May 2019-Diversification Growth Strategy 

112-Chapter 28-Part 7- May 2019-Principle of Transparency and Disclosure 

113-Chapter28-Part 8- May 2019-Stakeholder's Theory and Cultural Web 

114-Chapter 3-Part 2- March-July 2020-CSME-Past QnA 

115-Chapter 3-Part 3- March-July 2020-CSME-Past QnA 

116 -Chapter 3 -Part 4 - March -July 2020 -CSME -Past QnA 

117 -Chapter 3 -Part 5 - March -July 2020 -CSME -Past QnA 

118 -Chapter 3 -Part 6 - March -July 2020 -CSME -Past QnA 

119 -Chapter 3 -Part 1 - March -July 2020 -CSME -Past QnA 

120 -Chapter 30 -Part 1 - May 2017 Diet QnA 

121 -Chapter 30 -Part 1b - May 2017 Diet QnA 

122 -Chapter 30 -Part 1c - May 2017 Diet QnA 

123 -Chapter 30 -Part 2 - May 2017 Diet QnA 

124 -Chapter 30 -Part 3 - May 2017 Diet QnA 

125 -Chapter 30 -Part 4 - May 2017 Diet QnA 

126 -Chapter 30 -Part 5 - May 2017 Diet QnA 

127 -Chapter 30 -Part 6 - May 2017 Diet QnA 

128 -Chapter 30 -Part 7 - May 2017 Diet QnA 

129 -Chapter 31 -Part 1 - Nov 2017 Diet QnA 

130 -Chapter 31 -Part 2 - Nov 2017 Diet QnA 

131 -Chapter 31 -Part 3 - Nov 2017 Diet QnA 

132 -Chapter 31 -Part 4 - Nov 2017 Diet QnA 

133 -Chapter 31 -Part 5 - Nov 2017 Diet QnA 

134 -Chapter 31 -Part 6 - Nov 2017 Diet QnA 

135 -Chapter 31 -Part 7 - Nov 2017 Diet QnA 

136 - Chapter 32 part 1a - 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION 

137 - Chapter 32 part 1b - 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION 

138 - Chapter 32 part 2 - 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION 

139 - Chapter 32 part 3 - 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION 

140 - Chapter 32 part 4 - 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION 

141- Chapter 32 part 5- 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION 

142- Chapter 32 part 6- 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION 

143-Chapter 1-Part 1- CSME Nov 2020 QnA 

144-Chapter 1-Part 2- CSME Nov 2020 QnA 

145-Chapter 1-Part 3- CSME Nov 2020 QnA 

146-Chapter 1-Part 4- CSME Nov 2020 QnA 

147-Chapter 1-Part 5- CSME Nov 2020 QnA 

148-Chapter 1-Part 6- CSME Nov 2020 QnA 

160-Chapter 39-Part 1- CSME May 2021 QnA 

161-Chapter 39-Part 2- CSME May 2021 QnA 

162-Chapter 39-Part 3- CSME May 2021 QnA 

163-Chapter 39-Part 4- CSME May 2021 QnA 

164-Chapter 39-Part 5- CSME May 2021 QnA 

165-Chapter 39-Part 6- CSME May 2021 QnA 

166-Chapter 39-Part 7- CSME May 2021 QnA


001 - Chapter-1 Strategy, Stakeholders and Mission 

002 - Chapter-2 - Environmental Analysis 

003 - Chapter-3 - Competitive Forces 

004 - Chapter-4 - Internal Analysis 

005 - Chapter-5 - COmpetitive Advantage 

006 - Chapter-6 - Methods of Development 

007 - Chapter-7 - Strategy Implementation 

008 - Chapter-8 - Functional Strategies 

009 - Chapter-9 - Identify and Assessing Risk 

010 - Chapter-10 - Controlling Risk 

011 - Chapter-11 - The Scope Of Governance 

012 - Chapter-12 - Different Approaches to Corporate Governance 

013 - Chapter-13 - The Board of Directors 

014 - Chapter-14 - Directors Renumeration 

015 - Chapter-15 - Governance Reporting and Disclosure 

016 - Chapter-16 - Ethical Theories 

017 - Chapter-17 - Ethical and Social Responsibility 

018 - Chapter-18 - Professional Practice and Codes of Ethics 

019 - Chapter-19 - Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Conflict resolution 

020 - Chapter-20 - Social and Environmental Issues in Ethics and Business

Copyright 2022 © Starry Gold Academy. All Rights Reserved. 


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