Public Sector Accounting & Finance video lecture is a comprehensive video lectures that covers the whole
syllabus and can help students pass their
Public Sector Accounting & Finance exam in one sitting. The
video provides well explanatory topics of the course.
001-Chapter 1-Part 1- Introduction to PSAF
002-Chapter 1-Part 2- Definition of PSAF
003-Chapter 1-Part 3- Objectives of PSAF
004-Chapter 1-Part 4- Features of PSAF
005-Chapter 1-Part 5- Organizations Under PSA Rules
006-Chapter 1-Part 6- Users and Uses of PSA
007-Chapter 1-Part 7- Accounting Concepts as it Applies to PSA
008-Chapter 1-Part 8- Accounting Concepts as it Applies to PSA
009-Chapter 1-Part 9- Accounting Concepts as it Applies to PSA
010-Chapter 1-Part 10- Accounting Concepts as it Applies to PSA
011-Chapter 1-Part 11- Constitutional and Regulatory Framework of PSA
012-Chapter 1-Part 12- Constitutional and Regulatory Framework of PSA
013-Chapter 1-Part 13- Constitutional and Regulatory Framework of PSA
014-Chapter 1-Part 14- Constitutional and Regulatory Framework of PSA
015-Chapter 1-Part 15- Constitutional and Regulatory Framework of PSA
016-Chapter 1-Part 16- Difference Between Govt Acc and Private Sec Acc
017-Chapter 2-Part 1- Accountability in Public Sector
018-Chapter 2-Part 2- Code of Good Practices and Fiscal Transparency
019-Chapter 3-Part 1- Finance Officers of Govt
020-Chapter 3-Part 2- Auditor General (AuDF)
021-Chapter 3-Part 3- Functions of the Accounting Officers
022-Chapter 3-Part 4- Functions of the Accounting Officers
023-Chapter 3-Part 5- Solved Example
024-Chapter 3-Part 6- Revenue Collector and Functions
025-Chapter 3-Part 7- Revenue Collector and Functions
026-Chapter 3-Part 8- Imprest Holder
027-Chapter 3-Part 9- Imprest Holder
028-Chapter 3-Part 10- Imprest Holder
029-Chapter 3-Part 11- Officer Controlling Expenditures
030-Chapter 3-Part 12- Vote Book
031-Chapter 3-Part 13- Vote Book
032-Chapter 3-Part 14- Definition of Terms
033-Chapter 3-Part 15- Definition of Terms
034-Chapter 3-Part 16- Account Current
035-Chapter 3-Part 17- Account Current
036-Chapter 3-Part 18- Account Current
037-Chapter 4-Part 1- Sources of Govt Revenue
038-Chapter 4-Part 2- Sources of Govt Revenue
039-Chapter 4-Part 3- Sources of Govt Revenue
040-Chapter 4-Part 4- Revenue Collection Agencies
041-Chapter 4-Part 5- Revenue Collection Agencies
042-Chapter 4-Part 6- Revenue Collection Agencies
043-Chapter 4-Part 7 -Revenue Collection Agencies
044-Chapter 4-Part 8- Revenue Collection Agencies
045-Chapter 4-Part 9- Revenue Collection Agencies
046-Chapter 4-Part 10- Revenue Collection Agencies
047-Chapter 4-Part 11- FAAC
048-Chapter 4-Part 12- Sources of Revenue Payable into Fed Acc
049-Chapter 4-Part 13- Charges to the Consolidated Revenue Fund
050-Chapter 4-Part 14- Contingency Fund
051-Chapter 5-Part 1- Authorization of Govt Expenditure and Control
052-Chapter 5-Part 2- Authorization of Govt Expenditure and Control
053-Chapter 5-Part 3- Authorization of Govt Expenditure and Control
054-Chapter 5-Part 4- Revenue Control
055-Chapter 5-Part 5- Funding Accounting
056-Chapter 5-Part 6- Funding Accounting
057-Chapter 5-Part 7- Funding Accounting
058-Chapter 6-Part 1- Revenue and Expenditure Control
059-Chapter 6-Part 2- Revenue and Expenditure Control
060-Chapter 6-Part 3- Revenue and Expenditure Control
061-Chapter 7-Part 1- Preparation of Vouchers
062-Chapter 7-Part 2- Preparation of Vouchers
063-Chapter 8-Part 1- IPSAS 1
064-Chapter 8-Part 2- IPSAS 1
065-Chapter 8-Part 3- IPSAS 1
066-Chapter 8-Part 4- IPSAS 1
067-Chapter 8-Part 5- IPSAS 1
068-Chapter 9-Part 1- IPSAS 2
069-Chapter 10-Part 1- IPSAS 3
070-Chapter 10-Part 2- IPSAS 3
071-Chapter 10-Part 3- IPSAS 3
072-Chapter 11-Part 1- IPSAS 4
073-Chapter 12-Part 1- IPSAS 5
074-Chapter 13-Part 1- IPSAS 6
075-Chapter 14-Part 1- IPSAS 7
076-Chapter 15-Part 1- IPSAS 9
077-Chapter 15-Part 2- IPSAS 9
078-Chapter 16-Part 1- IPSAS 10
078-Chapter 17-Part 1- IPSAS 11
079-Chapter 18-Part 1 IPSAS 13
080-Chapter 19-Part 1- IPSAS 14
081-Chapter 20-Part 1- IPSAS 16
082-Chapter 21-Part 1-IPSAS 17
083-Chapter 22-Part 1- IPSAS 19
084-Chapter 23-Part 1- IPSAS 20
085-Chapter 24-Part 1- IPSAS 21
086-Chapter 25-Part 1- IPSAS 22
087-Chapter 26-Part 1- IPSAS 24
088-Chapter 27-Part 1- IPSAS 26
089-Chapter 28-Part 1- IPSAS 27
090-Chapter 29-Part 1- IPSAS 30
091-Chapter 30-Part 1- IPSAS 32
092-Chapter 31-Part 1- IPSAS 34
093-Chapter 32-Part 1-IPSAS 35
094-Chapter 33-Part 1- IPSAS 36
095-Chapter 33-Part 2- IPSAS 36
096-Chapter 34-Part 1- IPSAS 37
097-Chapter 35-Part 1- IPSAS 38
098-Chapter 35-Part 2- IPSAS 38
099-Chapter 35-Part 3- IPSAS 38
100-Chapter 36-Part 1-Local Govt Accounting
101-Chapter 36-Part 2- Local Govt Accounting
102-Chapter 36-Part 3- Local Govt Accounting
103-Chapter 36-Part 4- Local Govt Accounting
104-Chapter 36-Part 5- Local Govt Accounting
105-Chapter 36-Part 6- Local Govt Accounting
106-Chapter 36-Part 7- Local Govt Accounting
107-Chapter 36-Part 8- Local Govt Accounting
107-Chapter 36-Part 9- Local Govt Accounting
107-Chapter 37-Part 1- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
108-Chapter 37-Part 2- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
109-Chapter 37-Part 3- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
110-Chapter 37-Part 4- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
111-Chapter 37-Part 5- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
112-Chapter 37-Part 6- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
113-Chapter 37-Part 7- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
114-Chapter 37-Part 8- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
115-Chapter 37-Part 9- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
116-Chapter 37-Part 10- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
117-Chapter 37-Part 11- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
118-Chapter 38-Part 1- Government Contract Accounting
119-Chapter 38-Part 2- Government Contract Accounting
120-Chapter 38-Part 3- Government Contract Accounting
121-Chapter 38-Part 4- Government Contract Accounting
122-Chapter 38-Part 5- Government Contract Accounting
123-Chapter 38-Part 6- Government Contract Accounting
124-Chapter 38-Part 7- Government Contract Accounting
125-Chapter 38-Part 8- Government Contract Accounting
126-Chapter 39-Part 1- Auditing of Govt Account
127-Chapter 39-Part 2- Auditing of Govt Account
128-Chapter 39-Part 3- Auditing of Govt Account
129-Chapter 40-Part 1- Loss of Govt Fund
130-Chapter 41-Part 1- Govt Advances
131-Chapter 41-Part 2- Govt Advances
132-Chapter 41-Part 3- Govt Advances
133-Chapter 41-Part 4- Govt Advances
134-Chapter 42-Part 1- Pensions and Gratuity
135-Chapter 42-Part 2- Pensions and Gratuity
136-Chapter 42-Part 3- Pensions and Gratuity
137-Chapter 43-Part 1- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
138-Chapter 43-Part 2- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
139-Chapter 43-Part 3- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
140-Chapter 43-Part 4- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
141-Chapter 43-Part 5- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
142-Chapter 43-Part 6- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
143-Chapter 43-Part 7- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
144-Chapter 43-Part 8- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
145-Chapter 43-Part 9- Payroll Acc and Pension Fund
146-Chapter 44-Part 1- Project Appraisal Techniques
147-Chapter 44-Part 2- Project Appraisal Techniques
148-Chapter 44-Part 3- Project Appraisal Techniques
149-Chapter 44-Part 4- Project Appraisal Techniques
150-Chapter 44-Part 5- Project Appraisal Techniques
151-Chapter 44-Part 6- Project Appraisal Techniques
152-Chapter 44-Part 7- Project Appraisal Techniques
153-Chapter 44-Part 8- Project Appraisal Techniques
154-Chapter 44-Part 9- Project Appraisal Techniques
155-Chapter 44-Part 10- Project Appraisal Techniques
156-Chapter 44-Part 11- Project Appraisal Techniques
157-Chapter 44-Part 12- Project Appraisal Techniques
158-Chapter 44-Part 13- Project Appraisal Techniques
159-Chapter 45-Part 1- Interpretation of Acc and Cashflow Stmt
160-Chapter 45-Part 2- Interpretation of Acc and Cashflow Stmt
161-Chapter 45-Part 3- Interpretation of Acc and Cashflow Stmt
162-Chapter 45-Part 4- Interpretation of Acc and Cashflow Stmt
163-Chapter 46-Part 1- Cashflow Statement
164-Chapter 46-Part 2- Cash flow Statement
165-Chapter 46-Part 3- Cash flow Statement
166-Chapter 47-Part 1- Parastatals and Public Enterprise Acc
167-Chapter 47-Part 2- Parastatals and Public Enterprise Acc
168-Chapter 47-Part 3- Parastatals and Public Enterprise Acc
169-Chapter 48-Part 1- Economic Env and Role of Public Sec
170-Chapter 48-Part 2- Economic Env and Role of Public Sec
171-Chapter 48-Part 3- Economic Env and Role of Public Sec
172-Chapter 48-Part 4- Economic Env and Role of Public Sec
173-Chapter 48-Part 5- Economic Env and Role of Public Sec
174-Chapter 48-Part 6- Economic Env and Role of Public Sec
175-Chapter 49-Part 1- Public Debt
176-Chapter 49-Part 2- Public Debt
177-Chapter 49-Part 3- Public Debt
178-Chapter 49-Part 4- Public Debt
179-Chapter 49-Part 5- Public Debt
180-Chapter 49-Part 6- Public Debt
181-Chapter 49-Part 7- Public Debt
182-Chapter 49-Part 8- Public Debt
183-Chapter 49-Part 9- Public Debt
184-Chapter 49-Part 10- Public Debt
185-Chapter 49-Part 11- Public Debt
186-Chapter 49-Part 12- Public Debt
187-Chapter 49-Part 13- Public Debt
188-Chapter 50-Part 1- Ethical Issues
189-Chapter 50-Part 2- Ethical Issues
190-Chapter 50-Part 3- Ethical Issues
191-Chapter 50-Part 4- Ethical Issues
192-Chapter 51-Part 1- Fiscal Responsibility Act
193-Chapter 51-Part 2- Fiscal Responsibility Act
194-Chapter 52-Part 1- Fiscal Federalism
195-Chapter 52-Part 2- Fiscal Federalismector Accounting & Finance
001 chapter1 Introduction to PS Account
002 chapter2 Part1 Budget and Bud Control
003 chapter2 Part2 Budget and Bud control
004 chapter2 Part3 Budget and Bud control
005 chapter2 Part4 Budget and Bud control
006 chapter2 Part5 Budget and Bud control
007 chapter3 Part1 Transcript, Cash office
008 chapter3 Part2 Transcript, Cash office
009 chapter3 Part3 Transcript, Cash office
010 chapter3 Part4 Transcript, Cash office
011 chapter4 Part1Government Contracts
012 chapter4 Part2 Lease Contracts
013 chapter4 Part3 Cost Benefit Analysis
014 chapter4 Part4 Cost Benefit Analysis
015 chapter4 Part5 Valuation of Contract
016 chapter4 Part6 Lease Contracts
017 chapter4 Part7 Lease Contracts
018 chapter5 Control of Govt Exp and Rev
019 chapter6 Ethical Issues
020 chapter7 Part1 Treasury Final Acct
021 chapter7 Part2 Treasury Final Acct
022 chapter7 Part3 Treasury Final Acct
023 chapter7 Part4 Treasury Final Acct
024 Chapter7 Part5 Treasury Final Acct
025 chapter7 Part6 Treasury Final Acct
026 chapter8 Part1 Pension and Gratuity
027 chapter8 Part2 Pension and Gratuity
028 chapter9 Part1 Parastatals and Public Ent
029 chapter9 Part2 Parastatals and Public Ent
030 chapter9 Part2&3 Parastatals and Public Ent
031 chapter10 Public Debt
032 chapter11 Public Finance
033 chapter12 Part1 PSA Audit
034 chapter12 Part2 PSA Audit
035 chapter13 Sources of Govt Fund
036 chapter14 Subsidiaries Account
037 chapter15 Part1 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Fed Acct and CRF
038 chapter15 Part2 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Fed Acct and CRF
039 chapter15 Part3 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Budget and Bud Control
040 chapter15 Part4 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Financial Fraud in PS
041 chapter15 Part5 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Event After Reporting Date
042 chapter15 Part6 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Event After Reporting Date
043 chapter15 Part7 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Emerging Issues in PS
044 chapter15 Part8 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Emerging Issues in PS
045 chapter15 Part9 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Investment Appraisal
046 chapter15 Part10 Q&A Nov 2014 Diet Investment appraisal
047 chapter16 Part1 Q&A May 2015 Diet Emerging Issues in PS
048 chapter16 Part2 Q&A May 2015 Diet Fiscal Federalism, Federation Account
049 chapter16 Part3 Q&A May 2015 Diet Deficit Financing
050 chapter16 Part4 Q&A May 2015 Diet Budget Part1
051 chapter16 Part5 Q&A May 2015 Diet Budget Part2
052 chapter16 Part6 Q&A May 2015 Diet Budget Part3
053 chapter16 Part7 Q&A May 2015 Diet Pension and Gratuity Part1
054 chapter16 Part8 Q&A May 2015 Diet Pension and Gratuity Part2
055 chapter16 Part9 Q&A May 2015 Diet Control of Govt Exp and Rev part1
056 chapter16 Part10 Q&A May 2015 Diet Control of Govt Exp and Rev part2
057 chapter16 Part11 Q&A May 2015 Diet Budget and Bud Control
058 chapter16 Part12 Q&A May 2015 Diet Fiscal Responsibility
059 chapter16 Part13 Q&A May 2015 Diet Public Debt
060 chapter16 Part14 Q&A May 2015 Diet Public Debt part 2
061 chapter17 Part1 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Lease part1
062 chapter17 Part2 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Lease part2
063 chapter17 Part3 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet SFPFP
064 chapter17 Part4 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet SFPFP, Accounting for Investment
065 chapter17 Part5 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Pension and Gratuity part1
066 chapter17 Part6 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Pension and Gratuity part2
067 chapter17 Part7 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Cash Management
068 chapter17 Part8 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Budget and Bud Control
069 chapter17 Part9 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet SFPFP
070 chapter17 Part10 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet PSA Audit
071 chapter17 Part11 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Emerging issues on PS part1
072 chapter17 Part12 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Emerging issues on PS part2
073 chapter17 Part13 Q&A Nov 2015 Diet Emerging issues on PS part3
074-chapter 18-Part 1-May 2016-Public Finance management
075-chapter 18-Part 2- May 2016-Public Finanace management
076-chapter 18-Part 3- May 2016-public Finance Management Reforms
077-chapter 18-Part 4- May 2016-IPPIS
078-chapter 18-Part 5- May 2016-Mode of Operation of IPPIS
079-chapter 18-Part 6- Treasury Single Act (TSA) May 2016- May 2016-Budget Implimentation
080-chapter 18-Part 7- 081-chapter 18-Part 8-May 2016-Government Finance Regulations
082-chapter 18-Part 9- May 2016Government Finance Regulations-
083-chapter 18-Part 10- May 2016-Cash Flow Statement
084-chapter 18-Part 11- May 2016-Statement of cash Flow
085-chapter 19-Part 12- May 2016-Budget and Budgeting
086-chapter 18-Part 13- May 2016-Budget and Budgeting
087-chapter 18-Part 14-May 2016-Budget and Budgeting
088-chapter 18-Part 15- May 2016-Budget and Budgeting
089-chapter 18-Part 16-May 2018-IPSAS 26
090-chapter 18-Part 17-May 2016-IPSAS 26
091-chapter 18-Part 18-May 2016-IPSAS 26-
092-chapter 18-Part 19-May 2016-IPSAS 26
093-chapter 18-Part 20-May 2016-Impaired Assets
094-chapter 18-Part 21-May 2016-Expenditure Assignment
095-chapter 18-Part 22-may 2016-Private and Public Sector Economy
096-chapter 18-Part 23-May 2016-Inter-Governmental Fiscal Relation
097-chapter 18-Part 24-May 2016-Inter-Governmental Fiscal Relations
098-Chapter 19-Part 1-Nov 2016-Budgeting
099-Chapter 19-part 2-Nov 2016-Revenue Estimate
100-Chapter 19-Part 3-Nov 2016-Budget and Budgeting
101-Chapter 19-Part 4-Nov 2016-Internal Generated Revenue
102-Chapter 19-Part 5-Nov 2016-International Public Sector Accounting Standards
103-Chapter 19-Part 6-Nov 2016Benefits of IPSAS Cash to IPSAS Account Base
104-Chapter 19-Part 7-Nov 2016-Benefits to the doption of Public Sector Accounyting
105-Chapter 19-Part 8-Nov 2016-Public Sector Accounting
106-Chapter 19-Part 9-Nov -Public Sector Accounting2016
107-Chapter 19-Part 10-Nov 2016-Govt Business Enterprises
108-Chapter 19-Part 11-Nov 2016-Cash Flow Budget
109-Chapter 19-Part 12-Nov 2016-Cash Flow Budget
110-Chapter 19-Part 13-Nov 2016-Cash Flow Budget
111-Chapter 19-Part 14-Nov 2016-Calculation of Ratio
112-Chapter 19-part 15-Nov 2016-Loss or Shortage of Public Fund
113-Chapter 19-Part 15-Nov 2016-Loss and Shortage of Public Fund
114-Chapter 19-Part 16-Nov 2016-External Borrowing
115-Chapter 19-Part 17-Nov 2016-External Borrowing
116-Chapter 19-Part 18-Nov 2016-Consequencies of Public Debts
117-Chapter 19-Part 19-Nov 2016-CVost Benefit Analysis
118-Chapter 19-part 20-Nov 2016-Cost Effectiveness Analysis
119-Chapter 19-part 21-Nov 2016-Cost Effectiveness Analysis
120-Chapter 19-Part 22-Nov 2016-Benefit and Cost Ratio
121-Chapter 19-Part 23-Nov 2016-Public Finance
122-Chapter 19-Part 24-Nov 2016-Public Finance
124-Chapter 20-Part 1-Nov 2017-GIFMIS
125-Chapter-20-Part 2-Nov 2017-GIFMIS
126-Chapter-20-Part 3-Nov 2017-IPPIS
127-Chapter-20-Part 4-Nov 2017-TSA
128-Chapter-20-Part 5-Nov 2017-Public Procurement Act
129-Chapter-21-Part 1-Nov 2017-Auditing
130-Chapter-21-Part 2-Nov 2017-Auditing and Audit
131-Chapter-21-Part 3-Nov 2017-Auditing and Audit
132-Chapter-21-Part 4-Nov 2017-Assurance Engagements
133-Chapter-22-Part 1-Nov 2017-Cash Budget and Budgeting
134-Chapter-22-Part 2-Nov 2017-Cash Budget and Budgeting
135-Chapter-22-Part 3-Nov 2017-Cash Budget and Budgeting
136-Chapter-22-Part 4-Nov 2017-Cash Budget and Budgeting
137-Chapter-22-Part 5-Nov 2017-Cash Budget and Budgeting
138-Chapter-23-Part 1-Nov 2017-Financial Performance
139-Chapter-23-Part 2-Nov 2017-Financial Performance
140-Chapter-23-Part 3-Nov 2017-Financial Performance (IPSAS 23)
141-Chapter-23-Part 4-Nov 2017-Financial Performance (IPSAS 23)
142-Chapter-23-Part 5-Nov 2017-Financial Performance (IPSAS 23)
143-Chapter-24-Part 1-Nov 2017-Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)
144-Chapter-24-Part 2-Nov 2017-Accounting Rate of Return (ARR)
145-Chapter-24-Part 3-Nov 2017-Revenue Generation
146-Chapter-24-Part 4-Nov 2017-Consolidated Revenue Fund
147-Chapter-24-Part 5-Nov 2017-Development Fund
148-Chapter-25-Part 1-Nov 2017-Revenue Allocation
149-Chapter-25-Part 2-Nov 2017-Revenue Allocation
150-Chapter-25-Part 3-Nov 2017-Revenue Allocation
151-Chapter-26-May 2018
152-Chapter-26-May 2018
153-Chapter-26-May 2018-Tradinal or Increamental Budgeting
154-Chapter-26-May 2018-IPSAS 27-Accounting Treatment and Disclosure
155-Chapter-26-Part 5-May 2018-Public Sector Audit
156-Chapter-26-Part 6-May 2018-National Budget and Budgeting
157-Chapter-26-Part 7-May 2018-Public Debt
158-Chapter-26-Part 8-May 2018-Accountability in the public Sector
159-Chapter 27-Part 1-May 2019-Interpretation of Accounting Ratio
160-Chapter 27-Part 2-May 2019-Pension Reform Act
161-Chapter 27-Part 3-May 2019-Fund Accounting, Ledger and Balance
162-Chapter 27-Part 4-May 2019-Public Procurement
163-Chapter 27-Part 5-May 2019-Cost Benefit Analysis
164-Chapter 27-Part 6-May 2019-Public Debt
165-Chapter 27-Part 7-May 2019-Investment Appraisal
166-Chapter 28-Part 1-March-July 2020-PSAF-Past QnA
167-Chapter 28-Part 2-March-July 2020-PSAF-Past QnA
168-Chapter 28-Part 3-March-July 2020-PSAF-Past QnA
169-Chapter 28-Part 4-March-July 2020-PSAF-Past QnA
170-Chapter 28-Part 5-March-July 2020-PSAF-Past QnA
171-Chapter 28-Part 6-March-July 2020-PSAF-Past QnA
172- Chapter 29 part 1a-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
173- Chapter 29 part 1b-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
174- Chapter 29 part 1c-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
175- Chapter 29 part 1d-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
176- Chapter 29 part 1e-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
177- Chapter 29 part 1f-PSAF 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
178- Chapter 29 part 1g-PSAF 2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
179- Chapter 29 part 2-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
180- Chapter 29 part 3-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
181- Chapter 29 part 4-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
182- Chapter 29 part 5a-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
183- Chapter 29 part 5b-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
184- Chapter 29 part 6-2019 NOV DIET QUESTION
185-Chapter 30-Part 1a-Nov 2020 QnA-IPSAS 33
186-Chapter 30-Part 1b-Nov 2020 QnA-Statement of Fin Performance
187-Chapter 30-Part 1c-Nov 2020 QnA-Statement of Fin Position
188-Chapter 30-Part 2-Nov 2020 QnA-Public Expenditures
189-Chapter 30-Part 3-Nov 2020 QnA-Budgetary System
190-Chapter 30-Part 4a-Nov 2020 QnA-Cash Budget
191-Chapter 30-Part 4b-Nov 2020 QnA-Grant Design
192-Chapter 30-Part 5a-Nov 2020 QnA-IPSAS 17
193-Chapter 30-Part 5b-Nov 2020 QnA-IPSAS 17
194-Chapter 30-Part 6-Nov 2020 QnA-GIFMIS and IPPIS
195-Chapter 33-Part 1-May 2021 QnA-PSAF
196-Chapter 33-Part 2-May 2021 QnA-PSAF
197-Chapter 33-Part 3-May- 2021 QnA PSAF Diet
198-Chapter 33-Part 4-May 2021 QnA-PSAF
199-Chapter 33-Part 5-May 2021 QnA-PSAF
120-Chapter 33-Part 6-May 2021 QnA-PSAF
121-Chapter 33-Part 7-May- 2021 QnA- PSAF Diet
122-Chapter 33-Part 8-May 2021 QnA-PSAF
123-Chapter 33-Part 9-May 2021 QnA-PSAF
001-Chapter-1- Introduction-To-PSAF
002-Chapter-2- Towards National Fiscal Responsibility
003-Chapter-3- Ethical Issues In PSAF
004-Chapter-4- Govt Construction Contract and Procurements
005-Chapter-5- Professional Procurement on Govt Accounting by the UN
006 -Chapter - 6 - Pension and Gratuity
007 -Chapter - 7 - IPSAS 25 Employee Benefit
008 -Chapter - 8 - Emerging Issues In Nigeria Public Sector
009 -Chapter - 9 - Standardization of Federal, State and Local Government Reporting Format in Nigeria
010 -Chapter -10 - Budgeting and Budgetary Control
011 -Chapter -11 - Transparency and Accountability in Public Sector
012 -Chapter -12 - Financial Responsibility of Public Sector Officers
013 -Chapter -13 - Sources of Government Revenue
014 -Chapter -14 - Authorization of Govt Expenditure and Financial Control of Public Sector Revenue
015 -Chapter -15 - Preparation of Vouchers and their uses
016 -Chapter -16 - Functions of the Cash Office and Subsidiary Accounts
017 -Chapter -17 - Preparation of Monthly Transcripts of Self accounting Unit
018 -Chapter -18 - Stores Accounting and Loss of Govt Funds
019 -Chapter -19 - Cash Mgt and Borrowing Guidelines
020 -Chapter -20 - Public Sector Audit
021 -Chapter -21 - Preparation Of Statutory FInancial Statements for Govt
022 -Chapter -22 - Accounting fpr Local Government
023 -Chapter -23 - Preparation of Statutory Financial Statements for Govt in Accordance with Accral BasisIPSAS 024 -Chapter -24 - IPSAS 33 -First Time Adoption of Accrual Basis
025 -Chapter -25 - Accounting for Public Sector Organisations and Business Organisation and Business Entities
026 -Chapter -26 - Interpretation of Public Sector Financial Statements using Relevant and Appropriate Techniques 027 -Chapter -27 - IPSAS Group A(4,5,9,10,14,20,22,23
028 -Chapter -28 - IPSAS Group B(13,16,27,29,21,26,27,31)
029 -Chapter -29 - IPSAS Group C(6,15,28,29,30,32,34,35,41)
030 -Chapter -30 - IPSAS Group D(7,8,18,36,37,40)
031 -Chapter -31 - Introduction to Public Finance
032 -Chapter -32 - Public Revenue
033 -Chapter -33 - Public Expenditure
034 -Chapter -34 - Public Debt
035 -Chapter -35 - Fiscal Federalism
036 -Chapter -36 - Project Appraisal
- Emerging Issues In Public Finance
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